Re: [anjuta-devel] New "Import project" dialog

On Sun, 2011-04-10 at 15:36 +0200, Johannes Schmid wrote:

the current "Import project" dialog looks a bit cluttered and (at least
on my version of Adwaita) confusing since the unselected radio button is
invisible. I'd like to suggest a more simple approach which I sketched
up here:

First, thanks a lot for taking a look. I cannot see the problem with the
adwaita theme here (Fedora 15) but the dialog isn't perfect anyhow.

What I still don't like in the mockup:
* The project name is very prominent in the beginning while it is always
automatically filled and the user shouldn't have to change that

Yes, true. Didn't think about that.

* VCS import is still very basic as you have to know the complete path
to the VCS system while it would be cool to have some kind of "Browse"
button or at least shortcuts to the popular service (GNOME Git,
gitorious, etc.).

Something like the "repository manager" in eclipse? (Failing to find a
proper screenshot currently).

Well if we have that, that would solve the file chooser problem as well
since it could be always a button, firing up a FileChooser for the
"Directory" mode and a repository chooser for any VCS.

* For the file-chooser problem it might be a solution to use an
invisible GtkNotebook that switches pages according to the state of the
toggle buttons.

hm, not sure if the image made it clear that it's always the same dialog
and you just change the kind of import via the dropdown.

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