Re: [anjuta-devel] New project interface and introspection

Hi Johannes,

Le 06/10/2010 15:44, Johannes Schmid a écrit :
This sounds like a good idea to make threading optional. Some backends
might not need it as they don't read the big amount of files the autotools
plugin needs. Still they probably should use threads because blocking IO
is a bad idea but if it is optional it is easier to implement a basic

My first idea was to run the complete project backend in a thread to avoid race hazards. But it's not completely possible and there is still a problem if the backend access to global anjuta data or with Python lock. So let's change the interface again and make threading optional.

It must be possible to use threads to implement these functions. So
returning from ianjuta_project_load_node doesn't mean that the node is
loaded (and same for ianjuta_project_save_node).
The GIO API uses that approach alot including GCancelables and stuff like
that. It isn't trivial to implement but doable.

Yes, I'm not sure it's necessary to have all this for a project. Having just a signal when the project is loaded (or partialy loaded) should be enough. We can use callback but I think signal is better here.

Again, looking at the GIO API: Traversing to children should be async too,
like it is in a GFileEnumerator

I think it's different because when load a project you normally want to load all children (I means all directory below the project directory). When you list all files of a directory, it's not obvious that all files in sub directories are needed too.

I think it's better to be able to list all children with simple synchronous functions like anjuta_node_foreach or anjuta_node_next.

The question how we handle when there are pending writes to the project
files when they change on disk. I would assume we ignore our pending
request.  Changing files manually and in anjuta should not be done at the
same time anyway. But it can happen in a git pull --rebase for example.

Of course, if the user edits the manually the tree should just
update as it is know. There will always be situation where we cannot
support a certain feature.

I have tried to write only the modified file to minimize the possible conflict but I don't plan to do anything for this at the moment.

It's working like an edited file, the content of all project files are kept in memory, so by doing nothing you will loose some changes. Later, I can add some checks to display a dialog and ask which changes should be discarded, like in the editor.

I don't think it's a really big problem. If the user run git pull and add a new target at the same time, I don't know what's happen.

Do we need a node_saved signal ?
Hmm, I don't see an immediate need for it. We can implement it later if we
need it.

Ok, so I think we need only:

* node-loaded (AnjutaProjectNode *node, gboolean finished)
Emitted when a node has been reloaded, finished will be TRUE if all nodes have been reloaded. Typically you get this signal after calling ianjuta_project_load_node with node equal to the loaded node and then if finished is FALSE on all children nodes those have not been completely loaded the first time. The signal emitted on the last child will have finished to TRUE. With the finished argument, this can be a callback too.

* node-updated (AnjutaProjectNode *node)
When the corresponding node need to be reloaded from the disk.



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