Re: [anjuta-devel] [Anjuta-devel] libanjuta application framework


(First mail after mailing list migration - hope anything works and you
updated your mail filter).

1. Separate, anjuta interfaces (which is anjuta specific) and classess
(if any) into separate module and leave libanjuta and interface
generation as more generic library. The interface generation is not
something we are very proud of, but until a better substitute comes
in, I guess we can live with it. Vala dependency may not be desired by
some projects, so alternatives could be provided as a way to
generation IDL in multiple other ways?

Good point, maybe just move in into "interfaces" in the top-level. The
library will still be called libanjuta-interfaces I guess but that
shouldn't be a problem.

2. Consider a small and basic reference implementation of anjuta-shell
(currently, implemented by anjuta-app using gdl) so that simple apps
don't have to do it. Complex ones can simply derive from it.

Don't know if it is worth the effort now but we can certainly try.

3. Possibly, ship it in separate package (to allow API management). I
suppose it's mostly packaging issue, but having it as a separate
module would definitely set the correct mindset for distro packagers.

Well, it is not that difficult to do if someone requests it but I am not
sure if we should do it now.

4. Move most of the widgets into some libanjuta-widgets library. Those
aren't part of the application framework but are mainly used by anjuta

5. Port libanjuta to libpeas for plugin management reduce our maintaince
burden on the plugin stuff. Some little fixes are needed in libpeas but
it should mostly do it's job already and will give us more flexibility
with plugin languages together with introspection.


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