Re: [xml] libXML Version on Suse 8

Thank the wayback machine:

Suse 8.1 Personal

#  libxml 1.8.17 (Library to manipulate XML files (version 1))
# libxml2 2.4.23 (Library to manipulate XML files)

Suse 8.1 Pro

#  libxml 1.8.17 (Library to manipulate XML files (version 1))
# libxml-devel 1.8.17 (libxml development package (version1))
# libxml2 2.4.23 (Library to manipulate XML files)
# libxml2-devel 2.4.23 (libxml development package)
# libxml2-python 2.4.23 (Python bindings for ibxml2)
# libxslt 1.0.19 (XSL Transformation Library)
# libxslt-devel 1.0.19 (libxslt development package)
# libxslt-python 1.0.19 (Python bindings for libxml2)


I am working on a project which also needs to compile and run on Suse 8.1,
which I don't have on any of my computers nowadays. I checked with google
but I don't know the right keyword for searching obviously.

Does anybody know which version of libxml had been shipped in Suse 8.1 ?


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