Re: [Vala] Python bindings for Vala code

Arc Riley wrote:
Do you aim to provide a Pythonic API with this?

i hate python, but why do you need an api?
IE; mapping collections to Python collections (tuple, list, dict), iterators, nested namespaces, pydocs, etc?

This is swig task. From valaswig point they should be all supported at some point.
On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 1:58 PM, pancake <pancake youterm com <mailto:pancake youterm com>> wrote:

    I'm developing valaswig aiming to provide swig (perl, ruby,
    python...) bindings for vala and vapi code.

    It's usable, but still needs so much love. I will release 0.1 next
    month, but you can get a copy from

    Hg clone

    If somebody is interested on it, let me know. I think dynamic Lang
    bindings for vala can be a good point :)

    On Feb 7, 2010, at 5:59 PM, Abderrahim Kitouni
    <a kitouni gmail com <mailto:a kitouni gmail com>> wrote:


        2010/2/6 rastersoft <raster rastersoft com
        <mailto:raster rastersoft com>>:

            Is possible to do Python bindings for Vala classes? This
            is, accessing
            vala classes from Python. Yes, I know that it should be as
            "easy" than
            doing it for a GObject class, but what I mean is if there
            is a tutorial
            or similar, and, what's more important, how to get
            advantage of GObject
            Introspection (which, I presume, should simplify the work).

        Using gobject-introspection [1], it should actually be easier
        than for
        a C GObject class. When compiling, pass '--gir Foo-1.0.gir' to
        (replace Foo with your namespace), it should generate a
        correct gir as
        of vala 0.7.10. Compile it using g-ir-compiler and install
        both the
        gir and the compiled typelib (in ${g-i-prefix}/share/gir-1.0 and
        ${g-i-prefix}/lib/girepository-1.0 respectively) and you should be
        able to use it from gobject-introspection aware bindings
        You probably want PyGI [2], it works mostly ok, with the
        exception of
        callbacks and irtual methods.

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