Re: [Vala] problem using sleep

a a wrote:
Thanks it's working.
I'd like to display the remaining time[maybe inside a label?].
How can I do it?

Thanks a lot.

This class does what you need:

class Countdown {
        private int time_min;
        private uint timeout_tag;
        private TimeVal start_time;
        public bool active { get; private set; }

        public signal void update ();
        public signal void liftoff ();

        public Countdown (int time_min) {
                this.time_min = time_min;

        public void start () {
                this.start_time = TimeVal ();
       = true;
                this.timeout_tag = Timeout.add (1000, () => {
                        if (get_remaining_seconds () > 0) {
                                update ();
                                return true;
                        } else {
                                stop ();
                                liftoff ();
                                return false;
                update ();

        public void stop () {
                Source.remove (this.timeout_tag);
       = false;
                update ();

        public long get_remaining_seconds () {
                var current = TimeVal ();
                var elapsed = current.tv_sec - this.start_time.tv_sec;
                return this.time_min * 60 - elapsed;

        public string get_time_formatted () {
                var remaining = get_remaining_seconds ();
                return "%ld:%02ld".printf (remaining / 60, remaining % 60);


        var countdown = new Countdown (5);
        countdown.update.connect (() => {
                if ( {
                        label.set_text ("Time remaining: " + countdown.get_time_formatted ());
                } else {
                        label.set_text ("Countdown not started");
        countdown.liftoff.connect (() => {
                // spawn process
        start_button.clicked.connect (() => countdown.start ());
        stop_button.clicked.connect (() => countdown.stop ());

Best regards,


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