Re: [Vala] little architecture bug in valac

Welcome on the vala list.

On Mon, 2007-08-13 at 13:34 +0200, Piotr Skamruk wrote:
it's my first post to this list so at start i should say: hi ;)

look at this little session with valac:
  jell jells:~/Dane/src/gnome/vala-tests$ valac -C --pkg=gtk+-2.0 sample.vala 
  Compilation succeeded - 0 warning(s)
  jell jells:~/Dane/src/gnome/vala-tests$ ls
  sample.c  sample.h  sample.vala
  jell jells:~/Dane/src/gnome/vala-tests$ valac --pkg=gtk+-2.0 sample.vala -o sample
  Compilation succeeded - 0 warning(s)
  jell jells:~/Dane/src/gnome/vala-tests$ ls
  sample  sample.vala

after second valac invocation files generated firstly was removed, but
correct way should be to not even touch this files.

i think that .c, .h, .o files should be generated in temporary directory
(perferably in /tmp/, with name constructed by mkdtemp invocation), and
only after succesfully generated output file, it and _only_ it should be
moved to destination directory. of course in some finalization stage
temporary directory should be removed.
We are aware of that. This has to be fixed. Its not a behavioral
decision to take over those files.

btw. another unusual manner of valac is that it informs user on stderr
that there was no error in time of compilation. i think that after
succesful compilation onest information should be exit status equal to 0
unless there would be some verbosity levels increased by user in
invocation time...
This would be more in the GCC manner.
The vala compiler tries to act similar to the mono C# compiler in terms
of console output.


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