Re: [Tracker] Proposal for tags ontology (NAO)

hi Florent,

 i have the impression that those properties are application
information. The color or key for a tag can be different in each

i really like the use case of quick tagging using a key per tag, but
that relation should be handled on the "client" side, not in tracker.

regards (and thanks for the feedback in the ontologies)


On 2/17/10, THEVENET Florent <florent thevenet laposte net> wrote:

Working on gtg, hamster and Solang I noticed that the NAO ontology
missed some interesting properties.

nao:colorCode (nao:Tag, xsd:string). Associate a color with the tag (to
be used in gtg and ...)
nao:hasSymbol (nao:Tag, nfo:Image). Associate a color with the tag (to
be used in Solang, nautilus...)
nao:keyShortcut (nap:Tag, xsd:string). Associate a key with the tag. In
solang that could be used to attach the tag with a photo easily and

Finally: nao:hasSubTag could be used to create a hierarchy between tags
(to be used in gtg for instance), unfortunately it requires some work on
Tracker code, to retrieve easily not only the ressources attached to one
Tag but the ressources attached to children of this Tag too; when
querying for this tag.

If these properties look okay, could you add them to the ontology ?


Florent Thévenet <feuloren free fr>

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