[Tracker] Getting started with tracker


I've just installed tracker and I'm trying to get to grips with it's
operation. First of all I ran it and it immediately indexed my $HOME
folder. Because this is where I store a lot of junk(ish) files -like
source code for installed applications - I started again by deleting
the ~/.Tracker folder and restarting trackerd with
-i /home/mikey/Images -i /home/mikey/personal -i
-e /home/mikey and it started without seeming to index everything but
also without indexing anything. So I stopped it again and edited the
~/Tracker/tracker.cfg file it had created. 

I changed the file to:

# List of directory roots to index and watch seperated by semicolons
# List of directory roots to not index and not watch seperated by

and it seemed to do what I wanted. "Finished indexing. Waiting for new

But when I search for files it's not behaving as I would expect.
For example if I tracker-search-tool for 'Blue' I don't find and files yet I have
lots of images with blue in the title - BluePenguin-Small.jpg,
BlueMoon-Desktop.png, BlueNebula.jpg. 

Now if I search for a full 'word' in the filename like BlueMoon or BluePenguin I get the file but I don't get 
BlueNebula. And if I search for .jpg I get a list of the indexed jpegs but it isn't all the files in the 

Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or if I'm just not getting how to use it?

Any help would be appreciated.



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