[Tracker] trackerd patch to alert the user that the dbus connection is unavailable


Attached is a patch that displays a dialog when the dbus session bus is
not available, or if trackerd is unable to connect to it.  I think that
this is useful, as otherwise, trackerd silently fails to start.

In order to display the dialog, there is a dependency on GTK+, but it
does NOT require any GNOME specific libraries.

As for the issue of running trackerd when no UI is available, it should
be a non-issue.  If there is no UI available, it will fall back to the
console only version.  It will however, still fail if no dbus session
bus is available.

Suggestions to improve this are welcome.


Saleem Abdulrasool
compnerd (at) gentoo (dot) org

Attachment: tracker-svn-r382-alert-dbus-unavailable.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: pgpWoPj5ak19Y.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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