[Tracker] trackerd consuming "too much" memory

Hi all on the list,
I'm using Tracker version 0.6.3 on my Gentoo GNU/Linux laptop and I'm seeing a weird amount of memory consumed by the tracker daemon.
As one of the objectives of tracker is the "small footprint" I think we should examine the problem.
Here is a couple of rows taken from 'top', ordered by %MEM:

top - 14:37:23 up  5:02,  4 users,  load average: 1.52, 1.66, 1.57
Tasks: 119 total,   2 running, 117 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  2.8%us, 12.5%sy, 47.2%ni,  0.0%id, 37.5%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   1002440k total,   988740k used,    13700k free,    15728k buffers
Swap:   337356k total,   214728k used,   122628k free,   188932k cached

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND                         
11980 user0001 34  19  419m 294m 3540 S  0.0 30.1   1:09.13 trackerd                        
 9217 user0001  15   0  307m 142m  23m R  0.0 14.5  18:00.48 firefox-bin                     
 7724 root      15   0  296m  72m 7852 S  1.4  7.4  29:14.53 X                               
 4569 user0001  15   0  414m  67m  43m S  0.0  6.9   0:07.92 soffice.bin                      
 1134 user0001  15   0  178m  57m  22m S  0.0  5.9   1:15.53 thunderbird-bin                 
 8880 user0001  39  19  106m  31m 9896 S  0.0  3.2   9:15.90 beagled-helper                  
 5642 beaglein  39  19 67700  29m 8128 D 59.7  3.1   8:21.90 beagle-build-in

As you can see both VIRT and RES are very very high, for example they are higher than program well-known for their "excessive" use of memory. (..and much worse... it's higher than the indexer-cousin shaved-dog :)


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