Re: [Tracker] Updated tracker cvs - ready for testing

Hi -

The stable 0.0.4 release has worked reliably for a few weeks now.  But
the cvs version randomly crashes while indexing (last checkout was
tonight around 9 EST).  I've tried rebuilding the index several times
and after a while trackerd prints out

Received fatal signal Segmentation fault so now aborting.
total allocations = 18566 , total deallocations = 18388

It's always after a different file (its happened 4 times now).  What
exactly is seg faulting?  Is there a way I can attach gdb to it so I
can give you some better information to work with?

And if I "kill -9" trackerd (it's still alive even after the above
message), then re-run it, it never start indexing again ("waiting for
file events...").

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