A send-queue type

There was a desire to have a type that defines the role of a send queue.

A few design questions for the group

E-mail applications often have to support multiple send accounts. The
user typically selects per message which send account is going to be

o. My opinion is that mobile users don't care about it, and want the
software to auto detect which send account should be used

o. Nevertheless, should the send queue register per message being send
which send account to use?

o. Or should such a send queue play send queue for one specific send
account (so that you have more than one send queue if you have more than
one send account) (I favor this one)

o. If option three, should there be a TnySendQueueGroup type too? One
that can classify between the available TnySendQueues which one to use
in case the user (or developer) selected "auto detect it for me". In
this case would the detecting code be implemented in the
TnySendQueueGroup type (or a TnySendQueueClassifyer if you prefer that

The API in case of option three and four is like this:

interface TnySendQueue
	Event on_msg_sent
	void add (TnyMsg msg);

In design pattern - correct OO code it looks like this:

interface ObservableSubject
	void subscribe (Observer o);
	void unsubscribe (Observer o);
	void notify ();

interface Observer
	void update ();

interface TnySendQueue : ObservableSubject
	void add (TnyMsg msg);

public class TnyMySendQueue : TnySendQueue
	private List observers;
	private List messages;

	public void subscribe (Observer o)
		observers.add (o)

	public void unsubscribe (Observer o)
		observers.remove (o)

	private void thread_start ()
		while (messages.Count > 0)
			lock messages
			msg = messages.Current
			unlock messages

			send (msg)

			lock messages
			unlock messages

	public void add (TnyMsg msg)
		if a thread isn't runnig
			start a thread

		lock messages
		messages.add (msg)
		unlock messages

	public void notify ()
		foreach observer o in observers
			o.update ()

Opinions? Thoughts?

Philip Van Hoof, software developer at x-tend 
home: me at pvanhoof dot be 
gnome: pvanhoof at gnome dot org 
work: vanhoof at x-tend dot be 
http://www.pvanhoof.be - http://www.x-tend.be

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