[tasque-list] Changes made in Tasqu client not sent to RTM

Hello everyone,

I have come across what appears to be a bug in Tasque today. I checked in bugzilla and did not see anything that appeared close to what i am experiencing. I am legally blind and wanted to check with the you folks first before filing a bug report in case I missed this bug.

My system specs are:
Linux Mint 10 64bit
Linux kernel
Gnome 2.32
Tasque 0.1.9
Logged in as regular user.

I am using RTM as my backend.
I open Tasque and my tasks load fine from RTM.
I attempt to make a change to a task, the change appears to take on the Tasque client.
I close Tasque, reopen Tasque, my changes are not there.
I close Tasque.
Go to RTM, login, make changes, the changes appear to take.
Go to Tasque, the changes I made in RTM are reflected.

I open the .tasque.log file and find the following error:

5/1/2011 9:14:56 PM [Debug]: RtmNet.RtmApiException: list_id invalid or not provided (320) at RtmNet.Rtm.TasksSetDueDate (System.String timeline, System.String listID, System.String taskSeriesID, System.String taskID, System.String due) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Tasque.Backends.RtmBackend.RtmBackend.UpdateTaskDueDate (Tasque.Backends.RtmBackend.RtmTask task) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

I have attached my logfile for review.

I have also checked this in Linux Mint 10 32bit version running kernel 2.6.35-22-generic-pae, Gnome 2.32. This was run in virtuabox 4.0.6 with the same results logged in as root.

Please let me know if you need any more system info or clarification on any steps.

If this is not an open bug in bugzilla, I will be happy to open it.

Thank you all for your time.

Dan Hart
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: Tasque remote control active.
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: Found Available Backend: Tasque.Backends.RtmBackend.RtmBackend
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: Found Available Backend: Tasque.Backends.Sqlite.SqliteBackend
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: Tasque.exe location:  /usr/lib/tasque/Tasque.exe
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Info]: Searching for Backend DLLs in: /usr/lib/tasque
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Info]: 	Reading /usr/lib/tasque/RtmNet.dll
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: Storing 'Tasque.Backends.RtmBackend.RtmBackend' = 'Remember the Milk'
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: Storing 'Tasque.Backends.Sqlite.SqliteBackend' = 'Local File'
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: CurrentBackend specified in Preferences: Tasque.Backends.RtmBackend.RtmBackend
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Info]: Using backend: Remember the Milk (Tasque.Backends.RtmBackend.RtmBackend)
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: Found AuthToken, checking credentials...
5/1/2011 9:14:31 PM [Debug]: RTM Auth Token is valid!
5/1/2011 9:14:31 PM [Debug]: Setting configured status to true
5/1/2011 9:14:31 PM [Debug]: ThreadState: Unstarted
5/1/2011 9:14:31 PM [Debug]: Configuration status: True
5/1/2011 9:14:32 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateCategories was called
5/1/2011 9:14:32 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateCategories is done
5/1/2011 9:14:32 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateTasks was called
5/1/2011 9:14:38 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateTasks is done
5/1/2011 9:14:39 PM [Debug]: Backend sync finished
5/1/2011 9:14:39 PM [Debug]: Backend sync finished
5/1/2011 9:14:56 PM [Debug]: Unable to set due date on task: testing task
5/1/2011 9:14:56 PM [Debug]: RtmNet.RtmApiException: list_id invalid or not provided (320)
  at RtmNet.Rtm.TasksSetDueDate (System.String timeline, System.String listID, System.String taskSeriesID, System.String taskID, System.String due) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Tasque.Backends.RtmBackend.RtmBackend.UpdateTaskDueDate (Tasque.Backends.RtmBackend.RtmTask task) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
5/1/2011 9:15:20 PM [Debug]: Refreshing data...
5/1/2011 9:15:20 PM [Debug]: Done refreshing data!
5/1/2011 9:15:20 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateCategories was called
5/1/2011 9:15:20 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateCategories is done
5/1/2011 9:15:20 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateTasks was called
5/1/2011 9:15:26 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateTasks is done
5/1/2011 9:15:26 PM [Debug]: Backend sync finished
5/1/2011 9:15:27 PM [Debug]: WindowDeleted was called
5/1/2011 9:15:34 PM [Warn]: Cannot set status when taskWindow is null
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: Tasque remote control active.
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: Found Available Backend: Tasque.Backends.RtmBackend.RtmBackend
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: Found Available Backend: Tasque.Backends.Sqlite.SqliteBackend
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: Tasque.exe location:  /usr/lib/tasque/Tasque.exe
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Info]: Searching for Backend DLLs in: /usr/lib/tasque
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Info]: 	Reading /usr/lib/tasque/RtmNet.dll
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: Storing 'Tasque.Backends.RtmBackend.RtmBackend' = 'Remember the Milk'
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: Storing 'Tasque.Backends.Sqlite.SqliteBackend' = 'Local File'
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: CurrentBackend specified in Preferences: Tasque.Backends.RtmBackend.RtmBackend
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Info]: Using backend: Remember the Milk (Tasque.Backends.RtmBackend.RtmBackend)
5/1/2011 9:14:24 PM [Debug]: Found AuthToken, checking credentials...
5/1/2011 9:14:31 PM [Debug]: RTM Auth Token is valid!
5/1/2011 9:14:31 PM [Debug]: Setting configured status to true
5/1/2011 9:14:31 PM [Debug]: ThreadState: Unstarted
5/1/2011 9:14:31 PM [Debug]: Configuration status: True
5/1/2011 9:14:32 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateCategories was called
5/1/2011 9:14:32 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateCategories is done
5/1/2011 9:14:32 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateTasks was called
5/1/2011 9:14:38 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateTasks is done
5/1/2011 9:14:39 PM [Debug]: Backend sync finished
5/1/2011 9:14:39 PM [Debug]: Backend sync finished
5/1/2011 9:14:56 PM [Debug]: Unable to set due date on task: testing task
5/1/2011 9:14:56 PM [Debug]: RtmNet.RtmApiException: list_id invalid or not provided (320)
  at RtmNet.Rtm.TasksSetDueDate (System.String timeline, System.String listID, System.String taskSeriesID, System.String taskID, System.String due) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Tasque.Backends.RtmBackend.RtmBackend.UpdateTaskDueDate (Tasque.Backends.RtmBackend.RtmTask task) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
5/1/2011 9:15:20 PM [Debug]: Refreshing data...
5/1/2011 9:15:20 PM [Debug]: Done refreshing data!
5/1/2011 9:15:20 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateCategories was called
5/1/2011 9:15:20 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateCategories is done
5/1/2011 9:15:20 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateTasks was called
5/1/2011 9:15:26 PM [Debug]: RtmBackend.UpdateTasks is done
5/1/2011 9:15:26 PM [Debug]: Backend sync finished
5/1/2011 9:15:27 PM [Debug]: WindowDeleted was called
5/1/2011 9:15:34 PM [Warn]: Cannot set status when taskWindow is null

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