rygel init procedure during pare args

Dear Jens,

I find there are some items about rygel-main.c from valgrind log .
Do you have comment about the flow below from valgrind log?
It shows memory allocate behavior.
And the further question about the dependency of rygel and gstreamer.
==>the library "libintl",

I download the source code from internet "http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/";
the package "gettext-" I used for libintl.
I check the source code, there are 2 folders for libintl, one is
"gettext-runtime", another is "gettext-tools",
Currently , libintl is built from "gettext-runtime" folder.
Do you have any idea about the difference between "gettext-runtime"
and "gettext-tools"?
It confused me by their usage.  I can not make sure "gettext-runtime"
is suitable for my purpose.
Could you give me the hints?
Thanks a lot !

Best Regards,
==14433== 84 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 7,711 of 8,489
==14433==    at 0x402860A: malloc (in
==14433==    by 0x4116507: libintl_relocate (relocatable.c:477)
==14433==    by 0x4112A29: read_alias_file (localealias.c:239)
==14433==    by 0x4112FF4: _nl_expand_alias (localealias.c:205)
==14433==    by 0x4110FFA: _nl_find_domain (finddomain.c:126)
==14433==    by 0x4114B2D: libintl_dcigettext (dcigettext.c:724)
==14433==    by 0x4110E32: libintl_dcgettext (dcgettext.c:49)
==14433==    by 0x4116E2A: dcgettext (intl-compat.c:81)
==14433==    by 0x433B4F9: gst_init_get_option_group (gst.c:390)
==14433==    by 0x80629D7: rygel_cmdline_config_parse_args
==14433==    by 0x80AD7E1: main (rygel-main.c:1174)

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