Re: [pinpoint] pinpoint-question

* nick richards <nick nedrichards com> [Feb 20. 2012 18:25]:
> On 20 February 2012 16:58, Karol Sieńkowski <kadkarol poczta onet pl> wrote:
> > Hi
> > Today I used a pinpoint, and I really like. But I have some problems:
> > 1) How do I make text font in several sizes: for example 100 px, 50 px, 20 px
> > on a single slide?
> I think the answer for this is "you don't" but I'm open to
> contradiction if someone else knows better.

You can change font attributes by using <span> like

  <span font='100' fgcolor='#7ac142'>100px font</span>
  <span font='50' fgcolor='#7ac142'>50px font</span>
  <span font='20' fgcolor='#7ac142'>20px font</span>
However, good design practice tells to make limited use of this ;-)


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