Re: [pdfmod] pdfmod's Launchpad project

Chow Loong Jin escribió:
On Tuesday 04,May,2010 06:13 PM, Roberto C. Morano wrote:

Firstly, I wanted to introduce myself. I'm currently working on the
development of Guadalinex [1] and we wanted to include PdfMod in our

I'm taking the Debian packaging for Karmic from the package you, the
pdfmod-team  [2] (as far as I know, at least Gabriel Burt is and rules
this list :), have hosted in your Launchpads ppa.
I have created a branch [3] for our changes to the "Debianization"
(which at the end, were minimal, just the changelog version) for Lucid,
and I wanted to relate it to pdfmod's project in LP, but I haven't find

So, before I created a project for pdfmod there, I wanted to ask you if
I should (giving you all the credits/powers, of course) or if you prefer
to create it yourself.
It would be used only to host the branches that contain the debian
packaging, just to have it versioned somewhere, having upstream apart
from this LP project.

As I mentioned, I have only performed minor changes to control/changelog
files but the package is perfectly built using the latest upstream
version retrieved via "debian/watch", so my branch won't be any useful,
but anyway I wanted to have it related to the project just in the case
in the future we do some useful changes :]

Well, hello there. I'm actually guilty for not being active enough in poking
pdfmod lately, but I've my own reasons, exams, assignments and all. Regarding
the packaging bit, actually Pdfmod bundles two libraries, i.e. pdf-sharp, and
poppler-sharp. I've managed to get poppler-sharp autotoolized and released, so
the next step would be to package both poppler-sharp and pdf-sharp.

Hiya Chow. About those two libraries... I have been testing the package I've built and it seems to work just OK without them (at least, as explicit package depend). The only build-depends I have added to the package to make it build successfully in Lucid are:

* gtk-sharp2
* libgconf2.0-cil-dev
* libhyena-cil-dev

As I've mentioned, I tested the packaged application (version 0.8.1) and it seems to work properly with just these packages added for building it. Just tell me if I'm missing something, I do not know the application well enough (do I even know it? :)).

PdfSharp is the most nightmarish package I've ever considered packaging so far,
so I hope you understand my hesitation/procrastination as I need to keep my
sanity in check at least until this semester (hey I'm a student) is over.

As for your other question about the bzr branch/project creation... if Gabriel
has nothing to say against it, go ahead and create it. Also, add yourself to the
team, and have either Gabriel or myself approve you. :-)

Nice, so I'll create the project, give you the credits and powers and upload my branch there :]

Roberto C. Morano
Distribuciones y Migraciones a Software Libre
Emergya Consultoría.
Avda. de la Innovación, 3 - E41020 Sevilla
Tlf: +34 954 51 75 77
Fax: +34 954 51 64 73

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