Re: [outreach] =?iso-8859-1?q?New_kids_on_the_block_games_in_A_Coru?= =?iso-8859-1?q?=F1a?=

hey diego and allan!

it is awesome, that you are willing to help out here! ;) we (outreach
admins) already had some minor discussions a few months ago. basically
we should take care of not bugging people with 20+ students, it should
be comfortable for everybody, even for shy students/community members.
if they have to hunt a specific person, we should also ask them for
permission first ;)

On Mon, 2012-07-09 at 04:56 -0500, Diego Escalante Urrelo wrote:
> Hi!
> On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 5:34 AM, Allan Day <allanpday gmail com> wrote:
> >
> > It would be good to do something that gets the interns interacting with
> > established contributors on a one-to-one basis, rather than simply
> > photographing them or having them answer questions en mass. So my preference
> > from the ideas you've listed would be for old farts club.
> Agree. What kind of challenge can we come up with that requires a
> closer collaboration?
> Ideas:
> - Pairing an Old Fart with a New Contributor, they have to meet 3
> challenges (to keep it short). Maybe something really simple like:
>  + explain "What is GNOME" in a 30s video (this will trigger some Q&A
> between them).
>  + you are given the photo of an old fart, your Old Fart has to tell
> you who he is, where to find him and he introduces him to you.
>     You have to prove you did this with an unedited video where you
> get them to say a catchphrase or something (triggers introducing
> people, the introduced hacker is also enrolled in the game
> preferrably) (I am thinking on a catchphrase or something like that so
> we can later make a mashup of the videos for a nice "GNOME is all
> these people" thing)
>  + (alternatively) you get two photos, you gotta get these two people
> into a single photo with a paper or some GNOME-y thing. Photo is the
> proof.
>  + something else

i really like those ideas! 

btw: we got some pretty rude comments about the name of the game "old
farts", which imho can also be seen under the wrong lights ;) so maybe
we should either find a new name for this or drop the name altogether.

> We give stickers or something to everyone who finishes, t-shirts for
> the 2 fastest team.

could we do that in the same session as the "travelling pants"?

> I am preferring photos or video for proof of the hunt so that we can
> later mashup all these for a closing video or something.
> I would find it interesting to have a nice ThankYou video for
> volunteers and the local team, "crowdfilmed" during the Welcome Game.
> Some more ideas around this?

how about we put all those ideas in a wiki page on l-g-o? that way no
idea gets lost.


> Diego
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