Re: [orca-list] Fegora project has a new official name Vojtux

On 10/24/22 19:25, Jace Kattalakkis via orca-list wrote:
Are the variables and scripts going to be somewhere so, say, an Ubuntu or Slint or Debian or insert your distro of choice here, user can plug them in and they work? Part of the issue about Linux A11Y is the lack of documented info, I have to go hunting for a long while to even find which variables or where to even set them. I'd argue the variables should be on the project's wiki for everyone to use so it's easy to find instead of hidden away. I'd argue the scripts and everything else should aim to be distro agnostic. What good is putting all the work in, if a blind person can't then, install the distro because of their hardware not working with it?
That's not only your issue. I completely agree with this statement that Linux Accessibility is poorly documented and if it even is, the documentation is never updated. So I also have the questions if there is an information on how to put these variables for users of other distros, that would be really useful to have that in project's repo! I also have issues that one thing works one way on laptop and another on a desktop, I am refering to the save dialogue in Chromium. In desktop it's always poorly accessible gtk4 window, on laptop it's a normal accessible save window like you get in Firefox/Thunderbird/LibreOffice and I don't know how to fix it, I think maybe that's because some environment variable is missing on desktop? Or maybe there is a problem with packages installed on PC or something isn't installed on laptop? That's why putting scripts for other users would be also really helpful for us to check what we can add in our distros to make everything work as expected.
Thank you!

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