Re: [orca-list] Using mate and gnome at the same arch system

Vsevolod Popov posed the questions:
How do I change settings like shortcuts for switching keyboard layout or assign them to open terminal?

Probably the best way in GNOME to do this is from the keyboard shortcuts application. If you don't find it under your all applications menu (super+a), you may need to press alt+f2 and enter


in the run window.

Also, I noticed that when using GDM, it's not possible to change Orca's preferences in it.

Nor is this possible in Lightdm unfortunately. The best way I've found to set preferences in a display manager is to copy Orca's folder into the home directory of your display manager. For example, to set Orca's preferences in gdm, you would set them for your regular user and then copy ~/.share/local/orca into /var/lib/gdm. Running the lines below in your terminal should do this for you.

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/gdm/.local/share

sudo cp -R .local/share/orca /var/lib/gdm/.local/share

sudo chown -R gdm:gdm /var/gdm/.local

The next time you find yourself in a login screen, you should hear it speak using the preferences you copied. Hope this helps.


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