Re: [orca-list] password managers that work with orca?


I've seen and played with this one a bit. As stated i'd like a ui and i admittedly haven't played with the ones mentioned on the site. This is definitely a possibility. In case anyone is interested, i'm also looking at the nextcloud passwords app, or passman, another nextcloud app. I played with both a bit last night and really liked what i saw.

You know you have a good life when your boss comes to you the day you're thinking about trying this and orders you to install the very app you're wanting to try on the company system so we can try it for company use. I was going to do it personally, but now i can kill 2 birds with one stone, try the app, and get paid for doing so. :lol:

On 9/4/2020 12:51 AM, Janina Sajka wrote:
Personally, I'm feeling trapped by Last Pass and looking for the long
weekend when I might switch.

My current manager of choice to switch to is pass ...

If I'm not mistaken, it should be able to use pass on multiple OS,
including even Android.

I like the git integration, and I like the use of your gpg key to
encrypt your passwords, one file per site.

But, before I can use pass, I have to untangle my very tangled gpg key
situation. Don't ask!



Norman King writes:
Command line might work, but i was looking for something gui based.

Also, i'm not a fan of cloud based password managers like one password, or
laspass. I won't be using any of those.

Self hosted bitwarden might be an option, but there licensing is confusing
and i just don't feel like dealing with it.

Someone at work mentioned something called passmin which runs as an addon to
nextcloud. I'll be checking into that.

Any other ideas welcome, and if someone knows the bitwarden licensing better
than me i'd listen.


On 9/3/2020 2:39 PM, John Covici wrote:
There is a command line version, do you like that one?  Its part of
keypassx or something like that.

On Thu, 03 Sep 2020 14:11:29 -0400,
Norman King wrote:

What do you use for a password manager on linux? I'm thinking of
switching my windows machine to ubuntu but one of the things
holding me back is a good password manager.

I use keepass on windows but it isn't accessible on linux. There
are a couple clones of it, but i don't really like any of them.

Anyone have any thoughts?

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