Re: [orca-list] Perhaps I misunderstood: Differences in apt, vs. aptitude

As with most things, if you Google around you'll find proponents of apt-get and proponents of aptitude. Like I said, I just use apt-get mostly because that was what I was shown when I first starting using Ubuntu. I mostly just picked that link because it seemed to be the easiest to read.

On 11/01/2017 06:30 AM, Al Sten-Clanton wrote:
I just read that article and found it useful.  Although it seems to portray aptitude is all-around better than apt-get, section 4.4 of the release notes for stretch begins with this:

 The recommended way to upgrade from previous Debian releases is to use the package management tool apt-get. In previous releases, aptitude was recommended for this purpose, but recent versions of apt-get provide equivalent functionality and also have proven to more consistently give the desired upgrade results.

I've used apt, apt-get, and aptitude, depending on my mood or the size of my coffee mug. :-)

And, I don't know if that's useful to know for anything other than straight Debian.


On 11/01/2017 02:27 AM, Christopher Chaltain wrote:
I've always just used apt, but here's an article talking about the differences

On 10/31/2017 08:53 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
I thought apt was just an abrieviated form of aptitude, but that really both were pretty much exactly the same. I won't tell yall who told me this back in the days, as he'd mutelate me if I did, but unless I misunderstood him, which is possible... sigh... I'm so confused!

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