Re: [orca-list] Eclipse Installer


Well if you already reported it please provide the bug id..

Just to make things clear: it is NOT completely inaccessible and also
quite different on the various platforms. As i pointed out in my
previous mail, on linux we have to use the "advanced" mode. However,
if this mode is used, the installer is fairly accessible. As fahr as
platforms are concerned: i've just used the installer on Gentoo linux
and Macos Sierra all the afternoon and evening yesterday and had no
big issues... Not sure about windows, but on Mac OS it works in both
the simple and advanced mode, on linux it works in the advanced mode.

Maybe you have to force GTK2. As i did that for the user in general i
didn't add the related lines to the ini file because it was already

- Jann

2017-03-22 1:52 GMT+01:00, Michał Zegan <webczat_200 poczta onet pl>:
Some time ago I have reported the inaccessibility of eclipse installer.
also, the installer is in the same bad state on all platforms, so it is
not again a gtk2/3 stuff.

W dniu 21.03.2017 o 12:24, Jann Schneider via orca-list pisze:

just want to let you know some things i learned about the eclipse
installer (aka. oomph installer). Previously i just used to download
an ready to use eclipse package, unzipped it and made adjustments as
required. But as you might know, there is a new, interactive installer
for installing and managing installed eclipse packages and the bundle
pool etc.. Thats a little package (45 MB or so) you can download from that lets you choose the package and other things you want
to install or perform during the installation process. As i'm
interessted on the whole oomph stuff because i'll need that at work, i
wanted to try this installer now. Unfortunately it was nearly
completely inaccessible when launched as is ...

Well, i downloaded the tar.gz file, extracted the archive and tried to
run the provided eclipse-inst executable from the CLI. All i got was
the title and a list of packages. This list was not very accessible,
too. I could only find it in flat review mode and wasn't able to
navigate to it or select any package in it.

After some research i found out that they provide a VM parameter to
switch the installer to the "advanced" mode. Well, there is a button
in the gui as well but i wasn't able to get to it using orca. To
switch the mode you'd have to tweak the eclipse-inst.ini file: Add the
following line to the very end of the file, save it and launch the
installer afterwards.


Now the installation wizard is a lot more accessible. I was able to
select a package, the eclipse version (like neon or oxygen), find all
the buttons (like next, back etc.) and go through the wizard.

One more remark that might be of interesst: in the last page you will
get a couple of options like "launch automatically" etc. I think there
is some kind of progress bar too, but i couldn't read it... However,
there is a  text widget displaying all the log output. I just used
that widget to track the progress.

Another important thing to know is the license agreement dialog: At a
particular  point of the installation you will be prompted to agree to
the license. On my box i had to use Alt + F6 to get to the sub-window
in order to accept this license.

Hope this helps some of you :-)

Regards Jann
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