[orca-list] strange bug with orca and espeak ng

hi all

I've been quiet the last couple of weeks because mellisa went into the hospital. She's out now and her issues have been treated. I've been trying to track down a very odd bug in either orca or speech-dispatcher, I'm not sure which. Steps to reproduce

First, clone the espeak ng git repository

git clone git://github.com/espeak-ng/espeak-ng

Then, open the dictSource/en_emoji file in your favorite text editor.

Lastly, go down to the end of the file

Then, up arrow past the comments to the first emoji, which is as follows, line pasted exactly

👁‍🗨    eye in speech bubble                    // [1F441 200D 1F5E8]

It should be pronounced as "eye in speech bubble" as the tecxt says. Instead, it's pronounced something like "A left eye in speech bubble is" or sometimes just "A left eye in speech bubble"

Normally I'd file this bug as an espeak ng bug, but reece dunn, the maintainer of espeak ng and I have repeatedly tried to reproduce the bug, and we just can't. So I think it might, maybe, be a bug in either orca or speech-dispatcher. I'm not sure which. To reproduce the problem, up arrow through the en_emoji file. The text beside the unicode character says what espeak ng is supposed to say, but orca says some very weird things. It sounds as if it's combining the current emoji with bits of the next and previous emoji, creating some very weird combinations. I haven't the faintest clue how to fix this one. This happens in both orca stable and master.

Joanie, espeak ng is included in fedora but not preinstalled, you'll just need to install it using "dnf install espeak-ng"

Luke, could this be a speech-dispatcher bug? If so, it occurrs in both speech-dispatcher stable and git. I use git since it has better varient support, but both have the bug, if it is a bug. I help maintain the US english language of espeak ng along with reece dunn, but my skills are limited and I don't have a clue how to fix this in espeak ng itself if it is it's bug. How can I help fix this one? Debug log? Speech dispatcher log?

Thanks for any help

Kendell Clark

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