Re: [orca-list] minor issues with braille support


Well, I know part of the problem. Looking through my logs, there's a traceback when the contracted braille switch is turned on, in liblouis. I'm not sure if this means it's a liblouis error or orca's code that interfaces with it.


Kendell Clark

On 08/26/2016 05:29 PM, kendell clark wrote:
hi all

Storm sent me an old braille sense to test braille support on. It's a lot more fiddly than I would like, but this is not an orca issue. You have to change the permissions on the brlapi.key file before orca can communicate with the display. However there is one issue with this particular display. It doesn't seem to support contracted braille. When I attempt to enable contracted braille in orca's braille settings, the display goes blank and no longer keeps up with orca. If I disable the option, orca can once again talk to the display. I have had no problems with the display keeping up, I've used various applications without issue. I'm beginning to wonder if this is a display issue or a liblouis or brltty issue? I hope I'm not wasting anyone's time, I'm very new to braille support so I could be missing something obvious. I did change teh contraction table to en-uebg2, followed by pressing the ok button. This is with orca master, completely up to date, and sonar linux, also up to date, version 16.07.


Kendell Clark

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