[orca-list] learn mode for devices other than keyboards?

hi all
I've recently gotten a new keyboard mouse combo after my old one died.
This brought up something I've been wondering for a while. Would it be
possible to add the ability for orca to intercept button presses from
things other than keyboards, such as mice, and joysticks?  Also touch
screens once at-spi and orca support those. This would be useful for
example when you get a new mouse or gamepad, and you don't know what
buttons do what. I wouldn't expect orca to know what the buttons do but
only to announce what they are when you press them. I'm not even sure
this is possible, but it would be interesting. This is one of those
features that is not even close to critical, just a curiosity. Would
anyone else find this useful? I've got one of those logitech mice with a
bunch of buttons other than the standard scroll wheel and the left and
right click buttons, there are two on the side that appear to go back
and forward in web browsers and file managers.
Kendell Clark

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