Re: [orca-list] writing Sonar to USB

Arch somehow builds both architectures in a single iso and autodetects
the processor at boot time. Because Arch is quite minimal on the iso,
this works quite well on Arch. Unfortunately, because of Sonar's much
larger size for a single architecture, it is much better to download
only the architecture you need, as the iso would be almost 3GB in size
if it contained both architectures at once. Most people would definitely
be frustrated by such a long download, as they generally only need one
architecture. Additionally, judging by the torrent traffic, the 64-bit
version gets more than twice as many downloads as the 32-bit version,
and I would expect this to be similar on SourceForge. I don't think
there is a need to make people download twice what they need in order to
get what they want, especially when the iso is this big. Having said all
this, if there is a compelling argument for attempting to make a
dual-architecture iso in spite of the disadvantages on a full graphical
desktop, we can consider making an attempt to make something like this
available in the future.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

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