Re: [orca-list] Quick key for clickables?

I think that using the arrow keys to get to a clickable would be fine
and if you hit enter once there it should do the action.  I am not sure
we need another key just for them.

Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com> wrote:

Hey all.

I want to add support in Orca for clickables (objects that have an
onClick action associated with them). Because these are often not Tab
focusable, I think a quick key (aka structural navigation key) would be
helpful. The options I see are:

* Add it to K (which would then navigate to all links and clickables)
* Get rid of A (which is for "anchors" but largely useless) and have A
  be the quick key for things with "actions" (currently just clickables)
* Your other alternative here

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