Re: [orca-list] Your opinion on automatically toggling structural navigation keys

Good point.

On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 12:47:49PM -0300, Fernando Botelho wrote:
I think it is an excellent idea.  My only suggestion is that, assuming
verbosity is on, Orca should not just say it is turning off structural
navigation, it should also say: Press Orca Z to turn it back on.


On 08/07/2014 12:39 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey again.

I have a related question for you regarding structural navigation.
Currently, if you navigate into a form field like an entry or a combo
box, you cannot use structural navigation to move to the next entry or
combo box until you get out of the current field. This is, of course,
because if you are in an entry, "e" should type an "e". But the act of
getting out of the field in order to then find the next field is a drag.
I have a new proposed behavior:

When focus goes into a field where typing letters should be handled by
that field, structural navigation keys if enabled are automatically
toggled off. For users with a verbosity level set to verbose, Orca would
announce that structural navigation was toggled off. That way, when you
are ready to move to the next entry or combo box or whatever, you can
just toggle them back on (with Orca + Z) and then press e for the next
entry or c for the next combo box, etc.

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