Re: [orca-list] Assigning Shortcuts in Gnome Shell

Oh, that will be great when I get up to 3.8.  I was never able to get
Orca 3.7 to work here and with 3.8 coming to Arch Testing repo. in the
very near future, I will probably just wait instead of having to keep
downgrading automake and apparently rebuild 3 or 4 at packages.  I'll
stick with 3.6.3 for now unless there is an easier way to get 3.7
going without all the turning things inside out.

Bill, gnome-shell is 3.6.3 on my system.

Thanks Joanie for the quick answer; glad there is a fix.  I'm getting
used to gnome shell and getting around in it.

On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 02:46:19PM -0400, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey Steve.

I think that was an Orca bug related to tables which I fixed in the
3.7/3.8 cycle. Things are working as expected (i.e. the defined
shortcuts are being presented by Orca) using GNOME 3.8.

Take care.

On 03/31/2013 02:35 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
When I get into the table of currently assigned shortcuts, I can
navigate to whatever item I wish and when arrowing to the right in
that table row, I can hear Orca say 'disabled' which is where you can
press space bar and assign the hotkey you want.  Problem here is I
cannot read any defined hotkeys that are currently assigned.  Even
when I add a custom shortcut key, I cannot see the actual key that is

Is this a known bug or should I file a bug on this?

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