Re: [orca-list] Orca and Arch Linux problem on VirtualBox

I dont know the details about pulseaudio vs virtualbox sound device issue but you might try running
spd-say hello
in order to verify whether this might really be a incompatibility with speech-dispatcher and pulseaudio. You might just like to temporarily switch speech-dispatcher output to alsa in order to get any speech output at all. Since pulseaudio is taking over all alsa input sinks by default. You may get a degraded performance but still you might get a chance to do something.

Maybe I will try to update my arch running in a vm in order to see that issue with sound device. On a real hardware it appears to be running well for me, I have updated yesterday morning.



On 26.03.2013 12:03, Hrvoje Katić wrote:
Hi all,

I am using Arch Linux x86_64 in a VirtualBox on a Windows host with all components updated to their latest versions. However, I am experiencing some problems that prevent Orca from speaking. First, there's an issue with PulseAudio 3.0 that breaks sound output in VirtualBox. Therefore, I replaced it with pulseaudio-git from AUR. After that, I've got sound in Gnome, and I know that because I can here Gnome sound events playing. However, when I start Orca, there's no speech output. I confirmed that python2-speechd is also installed. I can also confirm that Orca is started, because I have some vision and I see the splash screen and Orca main window, and even preferences dialog opens correctly. But as I said, Orca will not come up speaking, although it's running. What I assume is that Speech Dispatcher 0.7 is not compatible with latest pulseaudio-git. Is this correct? If it is, then what can I do to get Orca speaking? I also tried to downgrade pulseaudio and libpulse to 2.1, and I ended up with conflicting files error. So I am stuck here.

What can I do now?

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