Re: [orca-list] Accessibility Testing in Ubuntu 12.04

Hi Petra,

basically the testing is done by humans like me in the community and bugs are reported on Launchpad which mostly get fixed at some point. This is not good enough, and I have been working on fixing that, I did some videos last week showing how completely broken it all is, and these were viewed by quite a lot of the developers, and I have been submitting testing scripts for using the desktop with orca for a guided manual testing tool called checkbox. These will need a bit of fixing over time as I was mostly writing them without the desktop actually working properly at the time. I also produced a short document which will hopefully be used by the unity team before they release broken stuff again (small bits of brokenness we expect and understand in the development release, but the current "everything doesn't work" situation is really unhelpful.)

Yes, I do know that Google docs and Youtube videos are not the most accessible of things for a wide audience.

What other things should we be testing for, or what other testing methodologies should we use to make it better?


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