Re: [orca-list] Using Ubuntu all the way now


Well, you'll get no argument from me on the Windows file system. Even
with Windows 7 I notice the NTFS file system will break down and
degrade over time and unless you use defrag on a regular basis the
file system will degrade to the point Windows will begin crashing and
will have horrible seek times on files. That is, as you suspect,
probably why Andy and others have issues with the swap file. the NTFS
file system isn't stable enough to maintain integrity over a long
period of time.

That said, I've tried running Windows 7 in Virtualbox and my
experience wasn't a pleasant one. I am a professional software
developer, who has to work with Windows and Microsoft's development
tools for a living, and it ran so slow I thought I'd die before it got
done loading an application like Visual C++ etc.I remember trying to
edit a large recording in Goldwave and it took better than an hour to
save the file in Virtualbox when I ran it on a native partition it was
done in 20 to 25 minutes. So while I agree Virtualbox is one solution
its not always necessarily the ideal solution if you use Windows for
sound editing, compiling, and require a lot of memory and processor

On 1/29/12, hackingKK
<hackingkk gmail com> wrote:
Windows like in many aspects is an absolute rubbish OS when it comes to
I think even the swap space is not properly done and critical bugs are
kept lingering for ages so that M$ can sell future version.
I had a friend of mine who did this same process 2 years back and he had
same results as Andi got.
I certainly recommend having Ubuntu or Vinux as the main OS and then
putting a proprietory OS such as windows inside a vertual box for what
ever things Linux *currently* can't do for you.
Happy hacking.

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