Re: [orca-list] Hi everyone, new to Orca and Ubuntu

Hi Harold,
It could be better if you could just tell us which version of Ubuntu
are you using and what desktop.
If you are using latest Unity 2d with Ubuntu 12.04 beta, then a lot of
things are really accessible now.
For example alt +f1 will bring you to the launcher pane and you can
either serach for your desired application or use your arrows to
search the list of most widely used apps which are there in the menu.
These include firefox, office software, ubuntu software center etc.
similarly you can press the super (windows) key and type what you are
looking for.
Alternatively after pressing super key, you can move down using down
arrow and find home folder where all your data is kept, to its right
is the application button which you can press for seeing the list of
all apps.
Happy hacking.

On 18/04/2012, Harold <bigreddata gmail com> wrote:
I am excited to start using this new OS that I have heard so many things
about.  All my friends rave about how awesome Ubuntu is.  I am visually
impaired with some sight left.  I am coming from Windows and Mac user.  So
now that Ubuntu is partitioned and operational where do I begin?  I loaded
Orca but do not know how to navigate through Ubuntu with it.  Is there a
reference guide on how to use Orca with Ubuntu?


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