Re: [orca-list] Why Orca navigation algorithms are not supporting Clickable embedded Adobe flash player objects?

Unfortunately flash objects are only accessible on windows computers. As far as I understand it, this is because adobe only do accessibility on windows in flashplayer. As adobe's flashplayer is closed source there is not much one can do to improve it.

However, there are opensource alternatives to flashplayer, gnash I think is one, which while not currently accessible either, potentially will allow someone with the know how to go in and implement accessibility. I think the issue is finding someone with the right skills and the time to do this, unfortunately too frequently the issue.

Michael Whapples
On -10/01/37 20:59, Mgr. Janusz Chmiel wrote:
Dear core developers of Orca,
WEBINAR services are very frequently used and unfortunately, some of those services are requiring The user to perform click on The Adobe flash player clickable object. Unfortunately, Even newest stable release of Orca can not enable users to locate this embedded Flash player object. Because those objects are not focusable, and even Orca flat rewiev feature is helpless during localisations of those objects, user of Orca can not use WEB pages with Flash player embedded object. It is very sad, because as i have tould You for many times, Orca is having excelent ARIA live regions support. Orca is able to receive those ARIA live regions changes and Orca can announce those changes by speech synthesizer. This s very useful while making a chat on A WEBINAR with other webinar participants.
Please, what is now preventing OrcA developers to support this feature?
So Flash player embedded objects with The clickable state can not be accessed by using Orca navigation while using Gecko based WEB browsers such as Firefox or Seamonkey?
Thank You very much.
If there is some development snapshot, which is able to do this task, please let Me know about it. Or if somebody of us does know about about work around, how to activate Flash player clickable object, please let Me know too.
Thank You very much for Yours answers.

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