Re: [orca-list] ORCA improvements

El 08/05/2010, a las 21:56, Joanmarie Diggs escribió:

Hey Bill.

Thanks for raising this point:

most important bugs are more often in non-Orca packages,

Alejandro, if you look through GNOME's bugzilla at the list of Orca
bugs, you'll see many which are tagged as "blocked". This is because the
bug exists in a different module and there's nothing we can do about it
within Orca. Unfortunately, in many cases, those module maintainers
aren't responding (the Evolution team is a good example). If we could
get all of those blocking bugs addressed, life would be much, much
better for all Orca users.


Thanks for the info Bill and Joanie.

We have GNOME developers in our company that can address communication between different module maintainers. 
It seems like a interesting task for us, because unblocking it is an insurence towards resolution.

I will report about this question later in this week.

Best Regards,
Alejandro Leiva
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