Re: [orca-list] Orca, gnome-speech and pulseaudio

Hi Lorenzo
Ok, you only have one option left in this case. You need to compile espeak to use pulseaudio directly, and bypass portaudio altogether. To do this, download the espeak source and edit the Makefile. You should see a line like:
AUDIO = portaudio
Comment this out, and uncomment the line below it that reads:
AUDIO = pulseaudio
Then recompile and install. This will allow espeak to use pulse as its native audio backend, bypassing alsa and portaudio entirely. The drawback to this, however, is that espeak will *only* use pulse and, without it, you'll get no speech. Not sure who's in charge of the espeak and portaudio packages but, if portaudio has been compiled to use ALSA directly and that change is going to stay in place, they should probably make an espeak-pulse package to compensate. After all, there are some of us who actually to like, and sometimes need, pulseaudio.

On Feb 26, 2009, at 13:02, Lorenzo Taylor wrote:

Sorry Jacob,
asoundconf set-pulseaudio
didn't cause gnome-speech to use pulseaudio for eSpeak. What's more, speech-dispatcher is still dying randomly and freequently on my system. It isn't choppy like it was on Intrepid, however.

Great Goddess Isis,
Thou who art above the stars,
Grant us peace and love.
--Lorenzo Taylor
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