Re: [orca-list] Orca 2.22.0 a bad regression

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 01:07:25AM -0500, Kenny Hitt wrote:
Hi.  I'm very disappointed with Orca 2.22.0  I'm trying to read several web
pages with Firefox and having no luck.  It looks like the only way to get
access to Firefox back is to downgrade to Orca 2.20.  It does work there.
These aren't complicated pages.  At this point, you can't even read the
Gnome user guide with Firefox and Orca 2.22.0.

Are you using the latest Firefox, namely, Firefox 3 beta 4? Both Firefox 3 and
Orca have been undergoing changes and it is possible that there are version
incompatibilities. The latest Firefox should work better with Orca 2.22.

Can you be more precise about the problems you are experiencing? The last
problem you reported was with text not being spoken as you move through the
document. As I recall, there was a reply on the list to the effect that this
problem couldn't be reproduced, which means that you'll have to provide
additional information to track down the issue. Making sure you have the right
versions of the right software installed properly would be a good start. I'm
not saying that you haven't done this, but rather that it's a process of
elimination and testing that needs to be carried out.
What makes this really bad
is it appears Orca developers knew Firefox access was broke, but they
released it any way and then left for the week.  Showing off new things at a
conference is good, but what about your user base?  Like it or not, you now
have users who depend on Firefox access.

Do you have any evidence for the above accusations?

What happened was that Gnome 2.22 was released, including Orca, and this had
nothing to do with the timing of any conference. Presenting at conferences is
an important component of building a community. It is perfectly possible that
due to the Gnome 2.22 schedule and the fact that Firefox is still changing as
it moves toward release, some Orca/Firefox bugs weren't fixed in time for the
2.22 release.

Meanwhile, Firefox code is still changing and beta 4 was recently made

I would respectfully recommend calmly and rationally trying to sort out your
problem, instead of writing an inflammatory rant to the list that helps
nobody, including you. For this process to work, discussions need to remain
civil and respectful.

If you focus on what the problem is and provide proper details I'm sure others
in this community will help to resolve it satisfactorily.

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