Re: [orca-list] oralux works great, ViBuntu doesn't work at all.

A few comments.

* As far as I know abiword is not accessible, I think you are stuck with openoffice with orca. If abiword and other applications which can't be used with orca are in vibuntu may be those should be removed to make space for other things. * I personally prefer thunderbird, but evolution does offer features not in thunderbird, I suppose this comes down to how many need that extra functionality in evolution.
* Get rid of pulseaudio is something I have been saying for sometime.

You mention that oralux would make a good rescue CD except it doesn't have NTFS support, have you tried GRML? GRML has that NTFS support and is designed as a portable distribution.

Michael Whapples

On 23/12/42 20:59, Josh wrote:
<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Hi,

Well I successfully burned the latest oralux image, put it into the cd drive and it works great! however vibuntu 1.2 doesn't work at all, neither on my wife's computer, nor on my own computer. So oralux must have something that vibuntu is currently lacking. I do know oralux uses alsa instead of pulseAudio. so in the next vibuntu please get rid of pulseaudio and use alsa instead. oralux had no problems recognising my sound card. in fact, if it were installed to my hard drive it would boot up lots faster than windows does. so, in the next vibuntu.
*please make it use alsa instead of pulseaudio.
*get rid of open-office, replace it with abiword, if that works with orca.
*get rid of evolution, replace it with thunderbird.
*also get rid of other big programs that the user can get on his or her own using apt-get. I'm so excited I got a version of linux to work on my dell computer! so, does the regular ubuntu use pulseaudio or alsa by default? i think they should change and make alsa the default. oralux had no issues whatsoever detecting my sound card. now to try it on my wife's machine and see if I get the same results. I really really wish oralux could be updated. if it could read and write ntfs partitions it would make a great rescue cd not to mention a nice lite operating system.


email: jkenn337 gmail com
msn: kenn6498ku hotmail com
skype: jkenn337


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