[orca-list] Copy/Paste in gnome-terminal

I am using Orca 2.24.1, with the laptop layout.

The following instructions appear in the Wiki:

Use the flat review keys in Orca to position mouse pointer on the
first character to be copied.  Then press the numpad slash key to
begin.  Then move over with the review keys to read off the text you
want; the numpad-6 or similar flat review navigation keys could be
used.  At the end or just after the last character, press
shift-numpad-/ to end the selection.

I have gotten this to work, sort of, once or twice, but in no way reliably.

At the moment, I'm doing a "iwlist wlan3 scan", and trying to get one of 
the MAC addresses being displayed into the clipboard.

I move to the first zero, and press capslock-7.  I then, not releasing 
capslock (not that it probably matters), move to the end of the address 
character-by-character (but have also tried the jump to end of line 
control--capslock-m), and either press control-shift-c, or 

I have also tried all of these while holding shift the entire time, which 
leaves me with no speech in the review process.

I have managed always only to get the first "0" of the MAC address into 
the clipboard, except once, when in a test, I was able to copy my username 
from a prompt.  However I have been unable to make it happen with the MAC 

What am I doing wrong?


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