Issue with "temporary" option of nmcli mod


    I am trying to set the below temporarily:
      nmcli con mod --temporary  ep65s0f1 connection.autoconnect yes

    The connection.autoconnect is correctly set to "yes" in memory and
the ONBOOT option in the ifcfg-ep65s0f1 file is still "no" as

    However after the above command, if I modify any other parameters, for e.g.
      nmcli con mod ep65s0f1 ipv4.never-default yes

    the ONBOOT option in the ifcfg-ep65s0f1 file is set to "yes".

    Can I please know what is the correct way to set
"connection.autoconnect" in memory only and not have NetworkManager
write the temporary configuration to the ifcfg file on subsequent
configuration changes.


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