Re: Simplify OpenVPN blob handling

On Sun, 2016-01-24 at 23:02 +0100, Matthias Berndt wrote:

Oh, and there's another thing: afaics, if you don't use inline blobs
but files for the certificate/key/ca, nm-openvpn will not copy them
somewhere safe (~/.cert, say) – bad idea. Jane User will plug in her
USB stick, import her OpenVPN configuration from it and then start
cursing the next day when she can't connect any longer after
unplugging it.

OTOH if she is keeping her cert deliberately secure on an encrypted USB
storage device, and it gets copied to the unencrypted hard drive, she
might not be able to connect tomorrow because she's been *fired* for
this breach of security policy.

And if her cert expires and she renews it, even if she is still
employed, she's going to get very confused when NM is still using the
*old* certificate that she's *deleted* from the USB stick and replaced
with a new one.

If you do this, make it *optional* and make it clear that you're doing

And in fact, do *not* import it to a file elsewhere; import it into
gnome-keyring and refer to it by its PKCS#11 URI.



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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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