Re: dhcp6 and fqdn support (for dns)

On 09/15/2012 10:13 AM, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
I am trying to set up an IPv6 virtual network using dnsmasq to support the dhcp and dns. Recently (the last couple of releases) dnsmasq has supported dhcp with updating dns.

I have gotten it so that the IPv6 addresses are assigned correctly but I have been driving myself nuts trying to figure out why it does not update the dns with the IPv6 address. I have come to the conclusion that it is because NetworkManager does not send the fqdn.

I am not sure if fqdn is required or if the hostname would be OK. However, in looking at some of the dhcp documentation for options, it appears that fqdn should be specified and not just the hostname.

Before I turn in some bug reports and look at the code, is my understanding correct?

I have done some additional testing.

I suspected that something was missing from the NetworkMananger support for IPv6 dhcp. Here is what I did the prove it.

1.  Stop NetworkManager.

2. Make sure that the ifcfg-eth0 file has DHCP_HOSTNAME==xxxx and DHCPV6C=yes are specified.

3. Slightly modify the ifup-eth network script to change the "-H" to "-F" on the "dhclient -6" line.

4. do "ifup eth0"

5 Use wireshark (or equivalent) to trace the packets on the interface. See that fqdn info is being passed whereas it was not when NetworkManager did everything.

6. With dnsmasq I now have IPv6 addresses added to the dns. In examining various documents but not doing any testing, I believe that dhcpd-v6 will need to info to support dynamic dns updating for IPv6 addresses.

BTW, from the info in the dhcp-options man-page, I believe that NetworkManager should be doing "send fqdn.fqdn" instead of "send host-name" for IPv4. This should be with a plain name ... not a qualified name. See the man-page.

OK, bug or feature?


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