Re: racoon?

Pavel Simerda <psimerda redhat com> writes:

>> Yes, it's been seven years since IKEv2 was released.  Welcome to
>> IETF Time.  :)
> It's been a long time since IPv6 was released :).

Indeed, even longer, and look how poorly it's still supported in the
wild.  ;)

>> However I still maintain that ipsec-tools has not been abandoned.
> Possibly. But when I was exploring the current state of IPsec userspace
> implementations, its last release was more than a year old and it was
> far from perfect even for IPv4 and IKEv1.

Is there ever such a thing as "perfection"?  :)

>> >> There is still work being done on ipsec-tools,
>> >
>> > Yes? What news can I expect, then?
>> You'll have to ask the current developers.  I only know that there
>> are still updates.
> I don't see any new release since March 2011, the mainpage links to
> nonexistent websites and there's not even any information about current
> development. For anyone not involved it's just as dead as any other dead
> project.

Hmm, I thought there was a release (0.8.1) earlier this year.

Anyways, I think we've ratholed.  My only point was that ipsec-tools
has not been abandoned.


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       warlord MIT EDU                        PGP key available

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