Re: [PATCH 2/6] VLAN: add ifcfg-vlan parser

On 11/18/2011 11:39 AM, Weiping Pan wrote:

+    value = svGetValue (ifcfg, "VLAN_FLAGS", FALSE);
+    if (g_strcmp0("VLAN_FLAG_GVRP", value)) {
+        vlan_flags |= VLAN_FLAG_GVRP;
+    } else if (g_strcmp0("VLAN_FLAG_LOOSE_BINDING", value)) {
+        vlan_flags |= VLAN_FLAG_LOOSE_BINDING;
+    }
+    g_object_set(s_vlan, NM_SETTING_VLAN_VLAN_FLAGS, vlan_flags, NULL);
+    g_free(value);
+    vlan_priority_ingress_map = svGetValue (ifcfg, "VLAN_INGRESS_PRIORITY_MAP", FALSE);
+    if (vlan_priority_ingress_map) {
+        g_object_set(s_vlan, NM_SETTING_VLAN_VLAN_INGRESS_PRIORITY_MAP, vlan_priority_ingress_map, NULL);
+        g_free(vlan_priority_ingress_map);
+    }
So like I was talking about earlier, it's probably just easier to parse
the ingress/egress priorities when reading the ifcfg file in, rather
than having them as a string.  That probably means adding list iterator
functions like we have for IP addresses, nameservers, etc, and creating
a small opaque structure for them (though we could just store them
internally as a 32-bit number and pack both of the<uint>:<uint>   into
that, and save a lot of allocation).  So we'd then get something like:

guint32   nm_setting_vlan_get_num_ingress_priorities (NMSettingVlan *setting);
gboolean  nm_setting_vlan_get_ingress_priority       (NMSettingVlan *setting, guint32 i, guint32 *out_a, guint32 *out_b);
gboolean  nm_setting_vlan_add_ingress_priority       (NMSettingVlan *setting, guint32 a, b);
void      nm_setting_vlan_remove_ingress_priority    (NMSettingVlan *setting, guint32 i);
void      nm_setting_vlan_clear_ingress_priorities   (NMSettingVlan *setting);

for both ingress and egress; that'll be a lot easier to work with
internally in NM since we'll only have to parse it once and then we can
just iterate through and pull them out.

It's a bit more complicated than that for the actual GObject properties
though (and thus D-Bus marshalling).  I vote we keep it simple and make
the GObject property type DBUS_TYPE_G_LIST_OF_STRING.  This makes it
easier to use from D-Bus, but it also means we need converters for the
get_property() and set_property() functions in nm-setting-vlan.c.  These
would take a GSList<string>   and parse each "<uint>:<uint>" element into
the right integers to pass to nm_setting_vlan_add_ingress_priority().
Then in set_property() we'd do the reverse and build up a GSList of
allocated strings using the ingress/egress priorites and use that in the
call to g_value_set_boxed ().  There are some examples of that in
various places, like the IPv4 config where we box/unbox (ie
marshall/demarshall) the property.  I can explain more here if you want.


Hi, Dan,
I  met a problem when using DBUS_TYPE_G_LIST_OF_STRING.
Take the following settings for example,

When I call nm_connection_dump() in test_read_vlan_interface() function in src/settings/plugins/ifcfg-rh/tests/test-ifcfg-rh.c,
the output is messy.
    priority-ingress-map : ['', '\002'] (s)
    priority-egress-map : ['\f', '\016'] (s)

I don't know how to fix it.
The patch is attached, many thanks!

Weiping Pan

Now I know how to fix it, the problem is in get_property.
Please see my V3 patchset.

Weiping Pan
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