Re: getting started to hack nm ...

On Sun, 2009-12-13 at 16:46 +0100, Tobias Pflug wrote:
> hi everyone
> I am currently looking for some open source project to invest
> some spare coding time into as my current job activities are starting to
> bore me to death..
> googling leads to
> which lists the git repositories and gives some basic info. The link
> to the TODO list however is out of date. So my questions are ..
> 1. is there an up to date TODO list to get some ideas what I could
>    look into ?
> 2. How do you usually go about working on nm .. do you run your builds
>    inside a virtual machine or fake root or something like that in order
>    to not collide with your desktop which most likely runs nm as well..?
> 3. any other suggestions/hints/warnings/.. ? :)
> thanks a lot in advance.

Lest people think I'm a horrible person, replied offlist with a few
suggestions whiel the mail was in the moderation queue this weekend.
The top suggestion was implementing connection time and byte tracking to
enable mobile broadband connection limits and such.  Obviously there's
more :)


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