Re: My wifi fails with ubuntu


Since you are running Ubuntu you may find those who can provider
better help at:    There is a category
called support, under that is networking and wireless.

When you post your questions please include what type of wireless card
you have, the device you are connecting to (Brand/model) and  what
type of encryption used (WEP vs WPA).


On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 5:02 PM, Tomé Laxe <glucklichgotisch gmail com> wrote:
> Hello, my name is Tomé and my problem is that I started few days working
> with ubuntu 7.1 and I don´t know how to link my computer to my wifi. Now I
> work with XP (this OS connects perfectly) and with ubuntu. I called to my
> phone company but they don´t know nothing about linux. Please, could you
> help this beginner linux user?
>  Thank you bery much.
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