Re: networkmanager fails to associate (ipw3945)

   why the split i.e. network manager & nm-applet apart?

Dan Williams wrote:
On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 09:16 +0100, dragoran wrote:
Volker Braun wrote:
I'm having the same problem on FC6 with ipw2200 and WPA-PSK. Compiling
STABLE fixes it.
so this means whatever it is its a bug in 0.6.4 and that is fixed in the current stable branch?
so this means that its time for a 0.6.5 release...

I'd urge people to test what's in the stable branches head, which will
be 0.6.5.  The quicker people figure out if there are bugs, the quicker
we can fix them, and the quicker we can make a release.

I posted tarballs of yesterday's SVN, if that helps:


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