Re: Connecton on APs with weak signal quality

On 11/6/06, Dan Williams <dcbw redhat com> wrote:

However, this is never going to be a solution because what's the upper
bound?  If you're at the margins of the network, maybe 1/2 your packets
get lost during the handshakes and assoc/auth, and the association takes
a really long time.  The delay is already something like 40 seconds, and
that's _waaay_ too long already.  If you cannot associate to your
network within 20 seconds, you either need to be closer to your AP or
you need to get your network admin to fix stuff.

Yes, I agree. But using nm I get connection some times (after lot of
tries) and after this the connection is stable. The problem is getting
connection and not keep connected... So I guess that the problem is
not only the signal quality, but the set: low quality + lot os APs +
hidden SSID.

At the same time, moving NM to talking to wpa_supplicant over DBus will
eliminate a lot of the overhead of the current socket-based method, and
also remove the lag when spawning a copy of wpa_supplicant.  So there's
definitely room to take the latency of the connection down in
NetworkManager itself.  But perpetually increasing the connection
timeout because "it's just not long enough for my situation" isn't the
right answer in the medium or long run.

I'm using CVS version, it's already using DBus, right?



> Thanks
> Aloisio
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