Re: stop NMI from automatic router switching

How hard would it be to right click on a network and have it show a menu "Always connect to this network" / "Never connect to this network"?  I'm pretty sure someone has suggested this or something like it before.  The arguments against it get weaker every time someone new asks.  Its clearly a needed feature the real question is what is the most intuitive way to implement it.

On 6/5/06, Aaron New <aaronnewster gmail com> wrote:
NetworkManagerInfo keeps swritching to a wireless router that I do not want to be using.  When I specify the preferable router, NMI will swirtch briefly, but will immediately revert back to the original router.   I would appreciate any tips on how to prevent NMI from doing this.  If I am overlooking a simple solution, I apologize in advance for asking a boring newbie question.

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